This photo would be inspired by Annette Messenger. The areas in colour wouldn't be there when the photo was taken but I would probably draw them on using photoshop or I could place a layer of acetate on top of the photo and hand draw it on, or even sew into the acetate. I feel more comfortable on photoshop so I think I'll probably just end up using that.
This one is of a persons back bent over so the spine is visible. I've put butterflies on the shoulders but since then I've thought that it could be interesting to put hands there instead of butterflies. The idea of having a body shown slightly strangely is inspired by Edward&Me, a photographer I looked at earlier on in the topic.
This photo would have an element of double exposure.

This photo is like the pully eye photos I've done earlier in the topic, I'm going to edit this one further though by replacing the iris with a landscape shot.
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